Welcome to Sons of Issachar®
The Sons of Issachar Ministry is an annual men’s conference that aims to create a spiritual platform for the man of God to arise in this season.
The theme for the Sons of Issachar® 2023 conference is “Preparing God’s people for Power !“
Click here to view information about our past and upcoming conferencesWho are the Sons of Issachar®?
Throughout the history of ancient Israel, the tribe of Issachar is portrayed as a family that was destined to prosper both physically and spiritually.
The ancient Rabbis taught that the sons of Issachar were not only “mighty men of valour” (1 Chron. 7:1-5), but they were also called to serve the other tribes in the areas of finance and the ministry of God’s Torah.
Let’s remind ourselves of the key issues. In accordance with Jacob’s blessing, the tribe of Issachar showed an unusual insight into political situations.
The tribe switched allegiance from Saul to David (1 Chr. 12:32) – “men of Issachar, who understood the times and knew what Israel should do– 200 chiefs, with all their relatives under their command”. The sons of Issachar were mighty men in David’s army and because of their ability to understand the times, all brethren heeded their command.
Just like the times of old, you too must understand the times that we are living in. As then, so it is today, that, God is seeking true worshippers that would worship Him in spirit and in truth.
In the time of King David, God was seeking a king that would follow after His own heart and not one who did his own thing, (there is a way that seemeth right, but the end thereof is death).
They chose to follow King David instead of King Saul even though David’s camp was a small minority at that time! They understood the times that God’s hand was no longer upon King Saul but was on King David.
They chose the tougher and narrow road instead of the broadway where the majority was. They lived up to their name of being a strong fighter and their love of comfort did not cause them to settle for the easy way out.
The Bible says that:
“And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had an understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred, and all their brethren were at their commandment”.
1 Chronicles 12:32