The raisons d’etre:
Like oil and water separates at a certain point, there came a time when the needs of a group of men came to the surface that required a specific and timely intervention.
Such was the intervention that is focused on the spiritual and natural challenges that some men, in particular the young men of the church.
There came a time when the presenting issues that many of our young men faced constantly began to emerge. The range and depth of what began to emerge proved to be the catalyst for the Sons of Issachar group to arise and take action.
A call to action:
The time and season are upon us, the call has gone out and the conditions are right for the sons of Issachar to arise. The time is ripe and ready for you to arise and take your positions.
The church is under constant and relentless pressure to conform to the world systems by agreeing with the changes in legislation and social policy that undermines the very essence and indeed the fabric of what the church stands for.
Our response must be to equip our emerging leaders with the necessary tools that they will need to combat this threat. What is of paramount importance to be able to operate proficiently in the 21st century is that the leader is anointed of God, is grounded in the word, passionate for souls and be full of the spirit.

An insight and explanation about our Logo and brand statement
Sons of Issachar Hour Glass
The Timer the Blue represents the Heavens:
The Twelve stars represent the twelve tribes of Israel with the Biggest Star representing the Tribe of Issachar (Gen 15 vs. 5, Gen 22 vs. 17-18) who were men that had the understanding of times and who looked to the heavens to ascertain the times.
The time from the Heavens filters down to earth which represents the Sand in the bottom half of the glass and also the seed in the sand as the above scripture states. In the hourglass, naturally, you will find sand.
The men riding on camels represent the wise men that looked to the stars to navigate the times (Esther 1 vs. 13, Matthew 2 vs1-2, 7).