Please click on the Opening Service video first, WATCH, then the Workshop you are interested in, followed finally by the Spoken Word. Remember, you can pause at any time and come back to watch until 31st Dec 2020. Please consider donating to the SOI Ministry. Feedback can be emailed to us. God bless.
All contents were produced adhering to social distancing and self-isolation due to COVID-19. Apologies for flicking within clips. To God be the Glory.
Workshop Themes:
1. Using the Word of God to navigate us to our true destiny
Teaching (1) – It is often said that a young man’s life is often characterised by the decisions he tends to make. This workshop will provide a Biblical insight into how we as men can use the written word of God to alter/change the course of our destiny to what God truly intends for us. The expected outcome is understanding how to use the ‘Word’ as our weapon of engagement.
2. Trusting God to be instrumental in our past, present and future to give us that expected end.
Teaching (2) – Using Daniel’s story as the backdrop to exploring God’s sovereignty over our lives, how can this story enable us to make sense of our history, the spiritual journey we are currently on and how best these experiences can be articulated to be used as a source of strength and not condemnation. The expected outcomes are to understand that a Godly stance comes with a sacrifice, but in the end like Daniel, we will be victorious.
3. Standing for truth through making Godly choices directed by the calling on your life.
Teaching (3) – In order to stand for truth like Daniel, what do we need to know to make such Godly choices? What was the significance of Daniel wanting to abstain from the Babylonian foods? What do you understand to be the principles and foundational truths that will help us to make the right decisions during prophetical events taking place? Furthermore, what is the significance of a name? Daniel and the other young men had names that reflected the theological significance of their histories, which could be argued is the very reasons why they defended it at any cost?
Greetings from last year:
Last years address from our Patron Overseer EDG Bailey
Greetings to you all in the precious name of Jesus. It is truly an honour and a privilege to be able to greet you in these times. I thank God for this opportunity, and I do not take it for granted at all.
This year’s theme and the popular phrase ‘Dare to be a Daniel’ was coined by the songwriter and American composer Phillip Paul Bliss in a song we have all come to know quite well. It speaks of Daniel’s character, particularly, his boldness and willingness to stand alone in adversity. This was something truly notable about Daniel and of paramount importance during his rise to a high-ranking position within the Babylonian kingdom.
Daniel’s willingness and boldness can be seen when he was forbidden to pray for thirty days, but disobeyed Nebuchadnezzar’s decree and continued to pray three times a day until his prayer was answered. In Dan 11:32 he said, ‘but the people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits.
Daniel was chosen of the kings’ seed and the princes of Israel. He had good character and as a leader, he was very understanding, much like the sons of Issachar. Theologians say he was a great man of the times, and it is said that great men such as Abraham Lincoln and Sir Winston Churchill have looked to Daniel for leadership qualities and found them.
Young men of today, I pray that this year’s conference will richly bless you. Stand out and stand up because strong men do so in difficult times. May God bless you all in Jesus name.